His eyes of grace

Wow. That’s quite the instruction, isn’t it? When someone treats us unfairly, whether in a physical attack or with hurtful words, the last thing that feels natural is blessing them. But think of Jesus on the cross. If anyone had a right to curse those who mocked Him and savagely attacked Him, He did. Yet remember what He said? “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.” As Christians, we are to reflect Christ. Jesus told us to love our enemies. Blessings are part of loving. It might not come naturally, because we have a human sin nature, but if we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us, we can find the strength and the compassion needed to understand that people who treat others badly are completely lost. They need our example of love more than they need our curses. Easy? Absolutely not. But God never said the Christian life would be easy. However, He did say He’d be with us every step of the way. Ask Him to give you His eyes of grace. Blessing others will become much more natural.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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