Most homeowners groan if dandelions appear in their yards. But kids? They love’em. They pick bouquets of them (and never get in trouble) and blow the seeds on the wind (and get yelled at for “making more dandelions” LOL). Let me tell what I like about dandelions. First of all, the new leaves are full of antioxidants and are a great salad addition. Second, the blossoms provide a good food source for bees and butterflies after a long winter. Third, they don’t just bloom then wither away, they turn into seeds that go out and develop into more flowers. Dandelions give us an example of presenting their whole self to service. We aren’t dandelions, but we’re commanded to give our whole selves in sacrifice to the furtherance of the Kingdom. When we sacrifice, we are acting in worship, and—best of all—we please our Father. So let’s be a little bit like dandelions and “spread the love around,” okay?