This section of Romans bears the title, “A Hymn of Praise.” So appropriate! I love the rhetorical questions included here. Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been His counselor? The created cannot possibly know the mind of the Creator; thus, the created (that’s us) cannot advise the Creator on what to do. We try to, don’t we? We tell God what we want and then get upset when He doesn’t grant it. Part of faith is recognizing that He knows best. Part of faith is seeking His will above our own. Part of faith is accepting that in this life we will have trouble, but in God’s kingdom even the hard things of life serve an eternal purpose. Read these verses today as a prayer. Thank Him for all He’s given you and done for you. Praise Him for sending His Son to be your soul’s ransom. You are so very, very loved by your Father God. To HIM be the glory. Amen.