Has anyone ever belittled you for your Christian faith? One day many years ago, my mom and I talked about how Christians are ridiculed, and she said with a smile and shrug, “Well, if no one ever tells us to keep Jesus to ourselves, we must not be speaking His name loudly enough.” So true. This world will reject Jesus. He said so, and He never lies. He also said, as His followers, we will face rejection and ridicule. So how do we explain this statement from Romans that declares those who believe in Him will not be put to shame? We need to look at it from a heavenly perspective. Those who have called upon the name of the Lord and have been forgiven of their sins will not stand in shame before Father-God. We sing in church, “My chains are gone, I’ve been set free!” So true! The world, still caught in sin and darkness, only sees how our freedom reminds them of their lostness. To make themselves feel better, they disparage us and our faith. But their condemnation cannot change the truth that we have been saved for all eternity. I’m much more interested in pleasing the One who saved me than being accepted by a sinful world. “My chains are gone…” Thank You, Jesus!