The Master’s plan

Probably many of you know about whom I’m speaking when I write the name Annalise Hope. Annalise Hope was diagnosed with hydranencephaly in utero. Her parents were encouraged to abort her because she probably wouldn’t live more than a few minutes. But Kevin and Candace believe God is the giver and taker of life, and they chose to see the pregnancy to completion. Candace blogged about her pregnancy, and she shared openly and honestly about the emotional and spiritual impact of their decision. Thousands of people from several countries followed her story. Then she was able to write for almost three years about how Annalise Hope befuddled doctors by doing things the medical experts thought impossible. Had Annalise been born healthy, would her testimony have spread so far? Probably not. God was glorified through this little girl’s life and by the faith and trust shown by her parents.

Even though the journey was difficult, His mercy sustained Candace and Kevin throughout their earthly time with Annalise, and then in their temporary goodbye. Annalise’s short but meaningful life made known the riches of His glory. Every life has a purpose in the Master’s plan.

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