God never fails

This is a short verse, but I have a lot to say about it. It seems after every major tragedy—such as a mass shooting, a natural disaster, or a rampant virus—the question is raised: “If God loves us, why did this happen?” I understand the query comes from a place of hurt and confusion and I don’t condemn a person for asking. (As I said, God knows our thoughts anyway, so nothing we say or ask will take Him by surprise). But, you see, all of these tragedies prove God’s Word is true. He told us in 2 Timothy 3:2 that people would be lovers of self; those who only think of themselves don’t care if they hurt someone else. He warned in Mark 13 that unexplained disasters will befall the earth. Luke 21:11 assures us there will be plagues. He warned us so we’d be aware and prepared. He loves us so much that He desires for every person to look to Him and call Him Father. For some, they have to reach the end of their human abilities before they look up and search for the Higher Power to sustain them. So all of these hardships serve a purpose for the lost.

They serve a purpose for the saved, too. It’s an opportunity to show who gives us our strength. It’s a chance to remind ourselves that even the very best this world offers is nothing compared to the Home awaiting us. It’s an open door to sharing the soul-changing Gospel of Jesus.

Jeremiah was instructed to share these words with the rebellious Israelites: “Return, unfaithful Israel. This is the Lord’s declaration. I will not look on you with anger, for I am unfailing in My love (from Jer. 3:12).” Sometimes God allows hardships to befall us to get our attention, but whatever He does comes from a place of love. God never fails us! We can count on that.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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