Trust His commands

Here, in a nutshell, is how sin creeps in and takes control. First, Eve saw that the tree was good. Of course it was; God had made it! But He’d also said don’t eat of it. So goodness wasn’t the issue; following God’s instruction was the issue. Second, the fruit was delightful in her sight. Sin so often masquerades in attractive trappings. One mark of spiritual discernment is to recognize the merit of an action, belief system, or attitude—does it align with scriptural instruction? Third, the serpent told Eve if she ate, she would gain wisdom. Don’t we all want to be wise? God wants us to have spiritual wisdom, but Eve’s desire here was motivated by her physical appetite rather than spiritual discernment. Eve made a decision that day in the garden based on her feelings or passions, on human reasoning, and in doing so, she discounted God’s voice. We need to know what God wants for us, and even more than knowing, we need trust that He knows best and obey His commands. As His beloved created ones, we can never be happy outside of a relationship with Him. Go back to Wednesday’s HYMN DAY post and read the first verse and chorus again. They are wise words that will point us in a Godly direction.

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