Romans 8:28 is probably one of the most oft-quoted Scriptures in the Bible. Believers see it as a promise that God will order the circumstances of their lives so everything works out in their favor. We’d like to think that means life will be painless, but that isn’t really accurate. It’s actually promising that for those who love Him and are committed to serve Him, our circumstances…even difficult ones…continually work in accordance with God’s will for us to grow in likeness of Jesus, meaning for our best interest. Consider the silver craftsman. He puts the silver through the hottest flame to burn away the impurities and bring out the brilliance of the metal. Sometimes we have to walk through a fire to truly discard those things that keep us from fully relying on God and prevent us from reflecting His Son. Following God’s will is rarely easy, but our obedience will always bring about the greatest glory to God and greatest growth for us.