Have you ever encouraged someone to try something new, whether a food dish or an activity, certain they’ll enjoy it if they take the chance? This is David’s challenge—try for yourself and discover the goodness (the excellent qualities) of God. When we follow Him instead of self, we find our place of inner joy and contentment. When we’re one with our Creator, we are whole. This world offers so many temporary pleasures, but nothing can compare to being in right standing with the One who formed us in our mother’s womb. When we take refuge in Him, we’re proclaiming our complete trust in Him. He is our safe place, our shield, our defender, our hope and deliverer. In layman’s terms, David is saying, “Try the LORD for yourself and discover the happiness that comes from trusting and finding refuge in Him!” David knew we can trust the One who is ever faithful. (Psalm 34 is a rich chapter. I encourage you to read it in its entirety.)