The ultimate security

Jesus would depart. He would go to the cross, He would suffer and die, He would CONQUER THE GRAVE, and then He would return to His Father. But He wouldn’t leave those who’d trusted in Him alone and empty. His Spirit would come and fill each of His believers.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is so incredible. The Spirit guides. He comforts. He gives discernment. He encourages and prompts and brings an element of peace in the most “unpeaceful” situations. I never walk alone because the Spirit of the Holy God is ever with me. Think of it–His Presence in me. So hard to fathom. So hard to understand why He would want to be with me. But I believe it. I sense Him, I depend on Him, and I know He will one day guide me to the place where I will reside with my Savior forevermore. That, my friends, is the ultimate security.

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© 2024 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

Website design and hosting by Vogel Design LLC.