Kim’s Street Team
Do you love reading fiction? Delight in telling other people about the last book you read? Spend time online (social media, blogging, etc.)? Then you might be a perfect addition to my Hope Harbingers street team!
The Purpose of the Group
Kim’s HOPE HARBINGERS will receive an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of releases a month to six weeks prior to the novel’s release. Members are asked to read the book prior to release, then–if they like it (if you don’t like, don’t do anything)–help “create a buzz” about the book by participating in one or more of the following suggestions:
- Write a review for Amazon,, Goodreads, Novel Crossing, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, your local library’s website, or any other online review site.
- Talk about the book on social media sites.
- Blog about it
- Ask your local library to order a copy of the book.
- Ask your local church library to order the book (or donate a copy).
- If you’re part of a Bible study, MOPS, or any other group, tell them about the book.
- Suggest my latest book to your book club, if applicable.
- “Like” the book on Amazon.
- Direct people to my website.
- Write a review for your local newspaper.
- Purchase copies to give away as Christmas and birthday gifts.
- Pin the cover or other pictures from my website to Pinterest.
- Share your favorite quotes from the book online. If you purchase an e-book, highlight your favorite quotes.
- Suggest the book on reading forums, like those you can find on GoodReads.
- Make a video about the book and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo
Of course, HOPE HARBINGERS aren’t limited to this list–they are free to promote in other ways, as well.
Still interested? Fill out the form below for a chance to be a part of this group.