This verse focuses on loving others in general, but when we consider its placement in the text, we have to acknowledge the principle applies to how we relate to governmental authorities, their policies, and national issues (which is all, in essence, politics). Our love for Christ is to permeate every relationship we have—it’s to show in every way that we engage with others. This includes how we express ourselves in political arenas. Our Christian witness is always on display. Our witness will either be strengthened or damaged by our actions, attitudes, and the words we speak (and how we say them). Christians have been called to be salt and light. Even if those around us are not choosing respect and love, we are to set the example. Love seeks to do what is right by our neighbors. Remember what Jesus said? We’re to love our neighbors as ourselves. When our political action is motivated by our love for God and others, our selfish attitudes dissolve. Sometimes loving will mean calling someone out who isn’t carving a God-honoring pathway. We can do this respectfully and follow it up in how we cast our votes. And we can do it through prayer! Think of the difference it could make if every Christian, every day, asked God to direct our leaders to make decisions that honor Him. In everything we do, we should strive to show the change Jesus works in our hearts. We do this through acting in love.