Opening the eyes of the heart

We have all had conversations with people who are so busy planning what they intend to say next they don’t really hear what we’re saying. The Pharisees who were so hung up on following the laws (and being so proud of themselves for following the laws) couldn’t (wouldn’t?) truly hear what Jesus was telling them. They heard the words, but they were so caught up in what they wanted to believe, they weren’t listening for the meaning of His words. They weren’t seeing the meaning behind the good He did. It’s sad, isn’t it, when the truth is in front of a person and they seem unable to see it? These men were lost. Jesus offered them rescue from sin’s curse, and they refused to see. Unbelief… Their stubborn refusal cost them the joy of knowing Him in life and the promise of eternity with Him in heaven. So very, very sad.

Do you know someone who’s still caught in unbelief? Let’s pray today for the eyes of their heart to open to the One who longs to welcome them into the fold.

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© 2025 Kim Vogel Sawyer Ministries. All rights reserved.

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