What an invitation David extended to his readers: Proclaim the LORD’s greatness WITH (my emphasis) me! There is something so special about exalting God’s name with fellow believers. To exalt Him is to proclaim His greatness, to share a personal testimony of His glory. Exalting His name is bringing attention to all that His name represents: His honor, authority, character, reputation, and glory. Look at all the corporate mentions here—“with me,” “let us,” “together.” One of the things I treasure most about growing up in the Mennonite church is singing hymns in four-part harmony. All those voices singing various parts but joining together to praise the Name of our Savior and Lord was so encouraging and soul-impacting. We can—and should!—worship the LORD on our own, but we experience a great move of His Spirit when we join together with others in worship, praise, and adoration.