Would you agree that life is fraught with uncertainties? Shortly after my mom graduated to heaven (November 2, 2018), our family received an unexpected blow when my brother was released from his long-held position at his workplace. It made no sense to us—he’d been a faithful, successful employee. Why would…
HYMN DAY! Even if you’ve never heard this hymn sung, the words are so rich and meaningful. It could be read as a prayer or serve as a personal commitment to follow Him: “Sweet Will of God” by Leila Naylor Morris. 1 My stubborn will at last hath yielded; I…
I watched “The Waltons” when I was growing up. John-Boy had a friend named Marsha who was fickle—she could never make up her mind if she wanted to be friends or not. We probably all know people like Marsha. But Jesus isn’t fickle. He loved His disciples, and He maintained…
Jesus knew when His earthly life would come to an end. Most of us don’t have information. I recall my mom saying after a young woman died very unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm, “We just never know, so it behooves one to be ready.” We all want to think we’ll…
Jesus is Light. Those who believe in the Light will receive the reward of eternal life with God the Father. Every word Jesus spoke pointed to the One who sent Him. God desires a close, personal relationship with every person born. Jesus showed us the way. He didn’t water down…
The Bible is clear: there will come a day when each person stands before God and is either welcomed into Heaven or condemned to eternal separation. A minister once said if he lived for Jesus and was wrong, he’d wasted his life; but if he lived for self and was…
HYMN DAY! This is one of those rousing ones that you can’t help but sing loud and smile while you’re singing. “Saved, Saved!” by Jack P. Scholfield. Feel free to listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIEaHShuEhQ(I really wanna visit that church!) 1 I’ve found a friend who is all to me;…
Jesus didn’t come to be our judge. God is the judge of man’s hearts. Jesus came to save. As Christians, it’s our responsibility to love as He loved. We cannot judge another man’s heart, but He has given us the discernment to judge fruit. If a person shows no fruit…
Jesus came to be the Light that leads us out of darkness. God, as our Creator, knows we cannot have peace or true contentment when we are separated from Him. The darkness separates us from having a relationship with Him. So He sent Jesus as our Rescuer and Redeemer. Those…
Every culture has its god. Men innately want to believe in a higher being. The Jews were no different, except they claimed to follow Yahweh, the Covenant God of Israel. Even though God had promised to send the Messiah, the Jews still doubted Jesus’ words. His exclamation here should have…