Calling out to God is praying. We have need to pray, don’t we? Things to celebrate, things we question, problems we want solved…now. *wink* When we praise God in prayer, we invite His presence. When we are so burdened we cannot find the words, He’s provided an Intercessor. Prayer always draws us closer to Him, and God always answers our prayers. Just please don’t confuse the word “answer” with the word “grant.” Sometimes—maybe most times—He answers in ways we wouldn’t have chosen. But He knows the here and now and also the what’s-to-be; thus, His response is best for us. One thing I’ve learned over my years of serving Him…even when I don’t understand, I can trust Him. He’s proven Himself again and again. He has walked with me through the flames, and He has ransomed my soul. He gives me grace, and that is honor enough.