Jesus glorified (honored) God by doing His will. We could consider all of Jesus’ accomplishments—healing the sick, raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, teaching and preaching and encouraging—as work He was given to do. But His sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection are the most impactful of all His works. Jesus came for one purpose: to bring abundant life to all who believe in Him as the Messiah. When He prayed these particular words, He hadn’t yet gone to the cross, but the verb tense is phrased such that it was already accomplished. So certain was He that He would die and rise again, it was as if the event was in the past—done. It never ceases to amaze me that Jesus knew what He would face. He knew He had the power to destroy His enemies. He knew in advance how many people would never believe in Him. And He still went to that cross for the glory of the Father and the hope of mankind. He displayed indescribable devotion to the Father and incomprehensible love for you and me.